The Manila Major – Perfil de Kuroky
Perfil del jugador profesional de Dota 2 Kuro “Kuroky” Salehi Takhasomi que actualmente juega en el equipo Team Liquid, una entrevista en donde revela su trayectoria profesional y la historia dura que le tocó vivir en su infancia. Madurar duele, pero es un dolor muy necesario, una historia digna de ver.
Deep down, there is still like a fire burning, that I really want to be the best and I think I can be!
He was always like this.
He was always so quiet and he was always someone who played with these gadgets.
He started with Nintendo and then came all the other consoles, and his mother always saved up money and bought them.
I really love to compete, it’s my passion, it’s my hobby, it’s my love in some ways.
I chose computer games because I had some complications with my leg and my feet from birth on, so I had walking problems when I was a child.
It was very hard because when you are young, you have a lot of energy, so you want to do sports or walk around and I couldn’t really do that.
When I walked like 30 minutes, my legs couldn’t work anymore, I had to sit down, so I kind of escaped into video games.
And over the years, I grown to love video games more than anything else, so I kept going at it.
Kuroky’s father follows him with his heart and soul, he really tries to follow every single game he plays.
You can say that Kuro’s father tries to support his son in every way he can.
He is not at the events but he always tries to be up to speed in Dota.
He said to him: “All I need from you is to finish school.”
“Finish school and then your path is clear!”
Kuro wants to win everything, and this is his biggest goal.
I really wanted to lead a teams at some point and be a captain myself, so I am kind of doing that now and I am really enjoying this.
A team that has no morals can’t perform, because we are all just people, we’re emotional creatures, right?.
So we need to maximize the potential of each individual and I believe we have many great Dota players.
Well, who is the person who tied them all together?
That’s Kuro!. That’s gotta be my MVP.
Kuro’s goal was always to win.
His passion and his will to win has brought him this far.
They can always rely on me at the end of the day and gain confidence from me, so I am kind of acting as the center of the team.
They need to be enabled!
And it’s my job to enable my teammates!